Cho ku Rei Reiki Symbol: Balancing Energy with Reiki

Praveen Badoni

Yogi & Reiki Master Praveen Badoni was born in the Brahman family. Most of his childhood he spent with his grandfather who was a priest and astrologer. His grandfather initiated him in spirituality and Hinduism.

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Cho ku Rei Reiki Symbol

Seeking inner balance and positive energy? Reiki, especially the cho ku rei symbol, could be your answer. This guide covers how to use cho ku rei to activate and intensify energy, promoting harmony and growth.

Understanding Cho Ku Rei: More Than Just a Symbol

The term cho ku rei can be literally interpreted as ‘put all the power of the universe here’. In the practice of reiki, this symbol is believed to draw in the universal life force to the practitioner, serving as a focus for their intention and energy. But, what is that power, and how do we ‘put it here’?

The History and Origin of Cho Ku Rei

Derived from traditional Japanese kanji characters, cho ku rei has a deep-rooted history in the teachings of Mikao Usui, the founder of the Usui Reiki system.

It’s here, in the practice of mindfulness and intention, that Usui found and crafted a set of symbols, including the powerhouse that is cho ku rei. This symbol was not only a key component of Usui’s own practice, but also that of his many disciples.

A Closer Look at the Symbol

The cho ku rei symbol can be broken down into its individual parts, each rich with meaning. The first key component is the spiral at the top, which can be interpreted as the starting point, the eternal sense of the universe unfolding. Then, the straight lines that span the middle section signify the paths energy can take. Finally, the spiral at the bottom represents completion, containing the energy within and returning it to the source.

How To Draw and Pronounce Cho Ku Rei

In order to properly use the symbol, it is crucial to understand how to draw and pronounce it correctly.

Drawing Cho Ku Rei

Start in the center and draw a clockwise spiral, either from the inside moving out, or from the outside moving in — whichever feels more natural and intuitive.

Then, without lifting your hand, draw four straight lines, connecting the spiral with the circle made by it. Remember to keep the symbol balanced and centered as you draw it.

Pronouncing Cho Ku Rei

The phonetic pronunciation of cho ku rei in English is “cho – koo – ray”, with a clear emphasis on the middle syllable. You may notice slight variations in pronunciation by different Reiki Masters, but the general intent remains the same.

Applying Cho Ku Rei in Self-Healing Techniques

Cho Ku Rei can be an empowering tool when used in self-reiki sessions, allowing you to focus life force energy within your body. But how does one do this effectively?


To apply cho ku rei to yourself, draw the symbol either in the air over each chakra, or visualize it on your skin. While doing so, you can silently or audibly speak the symbol’s name, reinforcing the intention to heal and energize your being.

The Benefits of Self-Healing with Cho Ku Rei

Regularly practiced self-healing can lead to a sense of balance and an increase in overall wellbeing. The cho ku rei symbol, when employed with mindfulness and positive intention, can help ease pain, reduce stress, and even enhance the immune system.

Using Cho Ku Rei in Therapeutic Settings

Reiki therapists use cho ku rei to enhance their healing capabilities, be it for physical or emotional needs of their clients.

The Therapeutic Process

During a reiki session, when a therapist draws the cho ku rei symbol over a patient, it serves to magnify the energy flow, directing it to the areas that require healing. This process can help to dissolve energy blockages, promoting a sense of release and relaxation.

The Synchronization Effect

Therapists may also use the symbol to harmonize their own energies with that of their patient, ensuring more efficient and empowering therapy sessions. It simultaneously acts as a grounding force for both practitioner and client, linking them to universal energy.

Enhancing Cho Ku Rei’s Effectiveness

Understanding and focusing on the cho ku rei symbol can greatly enhance its power. By layering these techniques, you can create a more profound impact in your reiki practice.

Mindful Meditation

Begin by meditating on the symbol. Visualize it in its place in the universe, and deeply affirm what its energy means to you. The more you work with the symbol, the stronger it will resonate within you.

Time and Positioning

Be aware of the best times to use cho ku rei. Many practitioners suggest early morning, as it amplifies the effects. Position the symbol over your chest during self-healing to connect with your heart chakra, the center of your body’s energy systems.

The Key Sequence of Symbols Utilizing Cho Ku Rei

In reiki, different sequences of symbols signify different actions and intentions. Cho ku rei plays a central role in these energetic mandates.

Powering Up

When used as part of the power up sequence, cho ku rei can enhance the effects of the healing symbols that follow. Drawing it provides the initial energetic thrust to the reiki session.


When used in the harmonic sequence, cho ku rei can synchronize the energies of the environment, promoting a stable and healthy space for the practice of reiki.

Cleansing Your Food and Environment with Cho Ku Rei

The reach of cho ku rei is not limited to the physical body. It is also used to purify your surroundings and uplift your energy.

Cleansing Practices

Apply the symbol to food before eating or to water before drinking, with the intention of removing any negative energy that may be affecting the health properties of the sustenance. In addition, use it to cleanse your environment, be it your home or workspace, to maintain a positive and tranquil atmosphere.

Creating Energized Water

To create energized water, draw the cho ku rei symbol on the vessel or even in the air over the water, and visualize the energy and intention to purify it permeating the liquid. It’s a simple yet powerful way to improve the vitality of what you consume.

Advanced Techniques with Cho Ku Rei

For those well-versed in the practice of reiki, there are advanced techniques that can be employed to further deepen the experience.

Energetic Blockage Detection

Cho ku rei can be used to locate and understand energetic blockages within the body or chakras. By tuning into the symbol’s energy and moving it across the body, one may feel points of resistance.

Once detected, the symbol can be used to channel energy into these areas, initiating the healing process.

Career Empowerment and Manifesting Abundance

When used with the intention of attracting prosperity and boosting career advancement, cho ku rei can help to stimulate creativity and mental clarity. Place it in your workspace or visualize it over your projects with the intended outcomes in mind.

Gratitude and Mindfulness

In a daily gratitude practice, cho ku rei can be used to amplify the feelings of thankfulness, providing a deeper connection to the universe and all that it provides.

The Unusual Yet Effective “Secondary” Uses of Cho Ku Rei

It’s worth exploring the unique areas in which this symbol can prove surprisingly beneficial.

Aiding in Healthy Habits

Use cho ku rei to mentally reinforce your commitment to healthy habits, such as exercise, meditation, or a balanced diet, by drawing it in the air or on the related items or spaces.

Safe Passage and Protection

Drawing the symbol can also be used to ensure safe travel or in the preparation of protective amulets and circles, safeguarding against negative energy and influences.

Using Cho Ku Rei to Cultivate Gratitude

Gratitude is often cited as a key to a fulfilling life. With cho ku rei, you can magnify the feeling of appreciation for the world around you.

Daily Gratitude Ritual

Incorporate the symbol into your daily gratitude ritual. Spend time meditating on what you are thankful for, then use cho ku rei to amplify that sense of gratitude and connection to the universe.

The Reversal of Cho Ku Rei and Its Uses

Reverse cho ku rei, or the empowerment, can be just as useful as the symbol itself, albeit in different situations.

When to Use Reverse Cho Ku Rei

This reversed form of cho ku rei can be used as a sealant, closing off areas where negative energy may have been removed. It is particularly useful in conjunction with other reiki symbols in clearing practices.

The 3D Cho Ku Rei

Visualizing your cho ku rei in three dimensions can add depth and intensity to its effects, but such practice requires an understanding of the symbol’s interaction with the z-axis.

Amplifying the Energy

By stacking the cho ku rei symbols in your mind’s eye, one above the other, you can create an intense funnel of energy that can pierce through blockages and invigorate the body’s own healing mechanisms.


In conclusion, the cho ku rei symbol is a versatile and powerful tool in the practice of reiki. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just beginning, the dedication you put into understanding, drawing, and applying cho ku rei can amplify the healing and harmonizing effects of your reiki practice. Remember that the key to harnessing the reiki symbols, including cho ku rei, lies in your focus, intent, and the energy you put into learning and practicing this profound art of healing and balance.

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