What are the Zonar Reiki symbol?

Praveen Badoni

Yogi & Reiki Master Praveen Badoni was born in the Brahman family. Most of his childhood he spent with his grandfather who was a priest and astrologer. His grandfather initiated him in spirituality and Hinduism.

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Zonar Reiki symbol

The Zonar Reiki symbol is one of the Reiki symbols used in Reiki healing practices. It’s not as widely known or used as symbols like Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki, or Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, but it still holds significance for some practitioners.

The Zonar symbol is said to help with accessing and understanding past-life issues and karmic patterns. Its energy is often associated with healing past traumas and releasing blockages from previous experiences.

As with all Reiki symbols, there’s a certain level of variation in how they’re depicted, depending on the Reiki tradition or lineage. However, the Zonar symbol typically consists of geometric shapes and lines that represent its specific energetic function related to past-life healing and karmic release.

It’s often taught to Reiki practitioners at more advanced levels of training, after they have become familiar with the foundational symbols and techniques.

How to draw the Zonar symbol?

As with many Reiki symbols, there are variations in how the Zonar symbol is drawn depending on the Reiki tradition or lineage. However, I can provide you with a general guide on how to draw the Zonar symbol based on common depictions:

  1. Prepare Yourself: Before drawing any Reiki symbol, it’s essential to center yourself and connect with the Reiki energy. You can do this through deep breathing, meditation, or whatever method works best for you.
  2. Draw the Basic Shape: Start by drawing a small circle or oval shape. This represents the core of the Zonar symbol.
  3. Add the First Curve: From the top of the circle/oval, draw a curved line that extends outward and then curves back toward the center. This curve should look like a half-moon or a letter “C” lying on its side.
  4. Draw the Second Curve: Now, from the bottom of the circle/oval, draw another curved line that mirrors the first curve. This creates a symmetrical design, with both curves meeting near the center of the circle/oval.
  5. Connect the Curves: To complete the Zonar symbol, draw a small straight line or curve that connects the ends of the two curved lines you just drew. This creates a flowing, interconnected pattern within the circle/oval.
  6. Visualize the Symbol’s Energy: As you draw the Zonar symbol, focus on its intended purpose of healing past-life issues and karmic patterns. Visualize the symbol glowing with healing energy and intention.

Meaning of Zonar?

Zonar Reiki symbol
Zonar Reiki symbol

“Zonar” is a term that can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used:

  1. In Reiki: In the context of Reiki healing, “Zonar” refers to a specific Reiki symbol used for past-life healing and karmic release, as mentioned earlier. It’s associated with accessing and understanding past-life issues and patterns to facilitate healing and growth.
  2. In Technology: In the realm of technology and navigation, “Zonar” can refer to a company that provides fleet management solutions. Their systems often include GPS tracking, electronic logging devices (ELDs), and other tools for managing and optimizing commercial fleets.
  3. In Spanish: “Zonar” is the third-person singular form of the verb “zonar” in Spanish, which means “to ring” or “to sound.” For example, “El teléfono zonó” translates to “The phone rang.”
  4. As a Name: “Zonar” can also be used as a name, although it’s not as common as some other names. It doesn’t have a specific meaning as a name but may have been created or adopted for its uniqueness or sound.

What about the Halu Reiki symbol?

Zonar Reiki symbol
Zonar Reiki symbol

The Halu symbol is another Reiki symbol that is used in some Reiki traditions for specific purposes. Similar to the Zonar symbol, it is not as widely known or used as some of the more common Reiki symbols like Cho Ku Rei or Sei Hei Ki.

The Halu symbol is said to be associated with mental and emotional healing, especially related to clearing negative thought patterns and promoting mental clarity.

The Halu symbol is often depicted as a combination of geometric shapes and lines, representing its energetic function. However, it’s important to note that the appearance of Reiki symbols can vary slightly depending on the Reiki tradition or lineage. Here is a general guide on how the Halu symbol is often drawn:

  1. Start with a Circle: Begin by drawing a small circle, which serves as the core of the Halu symbol.
  2. Add a Horizontal Line: Inside the circle, draw a horizontal line that divides the circle into two equal halves.
  3. Draw an Upward Arrow: Above the horizontal line, draw an upward-pointing arrow. This arrow typically starts from the top edge of the circle and extends slightly beyond it.
  4. Draw a Downward Arrow: Below the horizontal line, draw a downward-pointing arrow. This arrow starts from the bottom edge of the circle and extends slightly beyond it, mirroring the upward arrow.
  5. Connect the Arrows: Finally, draw a diagonal line that connects the tips of the upward and downward arrows, passing through the center of the circle. This diagonal line creates a V-shaped pattern within the circle.

What are the benefits of zonar?

Zonar Reiki symbol
Zonar Reiki symbol

The Zonar symbol in Reiki is associated with several potential benefits, particularly in the realm of spiritual and emotional healing. Here are some of the benefits often attributed to working with the Zonar symbol in Reiki:

  1. Past-Life Healing: One of the primary purposes of the Zonar symbol is to help with accessing and understanding past-life issues. By working with this symbol, practitioners believe they can address unresolved issues from previous lifetimes that may be impacting the individual’s current life.
  2. Karmic Release: Zonar is also associated with facilitating the release of karmic patterns and blockages. It is believed to help individuals let go of negative karmic influences or patterns that may be causing challenges or obstacles in their lives.
  3. Clearing Traumas: The energy of the Zonar symbol is said to be supportive in clearing emotional and spiritual traumas that may stem from past-life experiences. This can contribute to a greater sense of emotional well-being and inner peace.
  4. Increased Awareness: Working with the Zonar symbol may enhance awareness and insight into past-life connections, allowing individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their life’s journey and purpose.
  5. Healing Relationships: Some practitioners use the Zonar symbol in Reiki sessions focused on healing relationships. It is believed to help address underlying issues or dynamics that have their roots in past-life interactions.
  6. Spiritual Growth: By addressing past-life issues and karmic patterns, the Zonar symbol is thought to support spiritual growth and evolution, helping individuals move forward on their spiritual path with greater clarity and harmony.

Conclusion Zonar Reiki symbol

Zonar Reiki symbol
Zonar Reiki symbol

The Zonar symbol in Reiki is believed to offer a range of potential benefits related to spiritual and emotional healing. These benefits include past-life healing, karmic release, clearing emotional traumas, increasing awareness, healing relationships, and supporting spiritual growth. While these benefits are often reported anecdotally by Reiki practitioners and clients, it’s important to remember that Reiki is considered a complementary therapy and should not replace professional medical or psychological care. Individual experiences with Reiki symbols like Zonar can vary, and it’s always advisable to seek guidance from qualified Reiki practitioners and healthcare professionals for holistic well-being.

Faq Zonar Reiki symbol

1. What is the Zonar Reiki symbol used for?


The Zonar Reiki symbol is primarily used for past-life healing and karmic release in Reiki practice. It helps access and address unresolved issues from past lifetimes that may be influencing present life experiences.

2. How do you draw the Zonar Reiki symbol?


To draw the Zonar symbol in Reiki, start with a small circle or oval, add two curved lines that meet at the center, and then connect their ends with a straight line or curve. The symbol represents healing past traumas and releasing karmic blockages.

3. What are the benefits of working with the Zonar Reiki symbol?


The benefits of using the Zonar symbol in Reiki include past-life healing, karmic release, clearing emotional traumas, increasing awareness of life’s journey, healing relationships, and supporting spiritual growth and evolution.

4. How does the Zonar symbol differ from other Reiki symbols?


Unlike some more commonly known Reiki symbols like Cho Ku Rei or Sei Hei Ki, the Zonar symbol is specifically focused on past-life healing and karmic release. Its energy is directed towards addressing deep-seated issues from previous lifetimes.

5. Can anyone use the Zonar symbol in Reiki, or is special training required?


Typically, the Zonar symbol is taught to Reiki practitioners at more advanced levels of training after they have become familiar with foundational symbols and techniques. It’s advisable to receive proper guidance and training from a qualified Reiki Master before using advanced symbols like Zonar.

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